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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Millions of U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)
- 1992 1993 1994 1/
- Income, Production and Employment:
- Real GDP (1970 prices) 4,104.9 4,228.7 4,333.75
- Real GDP Growth (pct.) 7.8 3.0 2.5
- GDP (current prices) 7,828 8,689 9,172
- By Sector:
- Agriculture 1,174 1,304 1,376
- Energy/Water 157 174 183
- Manufacturing 1,252 1,390 1,467
- Construction 548 608 642
- New Housing Investment 548 608 642
- Financial Services 470 521 550
- Other Services 783 869 917
- Government/Health/Education 783 869 917
- Others 2,113 2,346 2,476
- Net Exports of Goods & Services -824.0 -749.5 N/A
- Real Per Capita GDP
- (1985 prices in DR pesos) 2/ 2,202 2,209 2,211
- Labor Force (000s) 3/ 3,240 3,370 N/A
- Unemployment Rate (pct.) 4/ 30 30 30
- Money and Prices: (annual percentage growth)
- Money Supply (M2) 32 28 8
- Base Interest Rate 5/ 30 29 27
- Personal Saving Rate N/A N/A N/A
- Retail Inflation 7 8 12
- Wholesale Inflation N/A N/A N/A
- Consumer Price Index 6/ 779 800 896
- Exchange Rate (DR peso/U.S dollar)
- Official 12.75 12.75 12.87
- Parallel 12.74 12.60 14.00
- Balance of Payments and Trade:
- National Exports (FOB) 7/ 561.9 530.4 530.9
- Trade Zone Exports (value added) 287.4 368.5 N/A
- Exports to U.S. 8/ 2,095.0 2,349.5 2,584.5
- National Imports (CIF) 7/ 2,178.1 2,118.4 2,224.3
- Imports from U.S. 8/ 2,098.1 2,671.5 2,938.7
- Aid from U.S. 9/ 22.5 24.6 N/A
- Aid from Other Countries N/A N/A N/A
- External Public Debt 4,582.3 4,685.4 3,900.0
- Debt Service Payments (paid) 480.9 N/A N/A
- Gold and FOREX Reserves 10/ 580.8 714.2 250.0
- Trade Balance (National) 7/ -1,616.2 -1,588.0 -1,693.4
- Trade Balance with U.S. 8/ -3.1 -322.0 -354.2
- N/A--Not available.
- 1/ U.S. Embassy projections for 1994 calendar year.
- 2/ Source: The Dominican National Statistic Office is the
- source of population figures used to calculate per capita GDP.
- 3/ Source: Dominican National Planning Office.
- 4/ Source: U.S. Embassy Economic Section estimates.
- 5/ The 1994 figure is as of July 1994. Short term (90 day)
- credit costs (prime rate).
- 6/ May 1976-April 1977 equals 100.
- 7/ "National exports" means all exports other than from free
- trade zones. "National imports" means all imports other than
- those bound for free trade zones.
- 8/ Source: U.S. Department of Commerce. This data includes
- all items exported to or imported from the Dominican Republic
- by the United States, including Dominican free trade zone
- activity.
- 9/ Calculation based on U.S. Government fiscal year.
- 10/ Embassy estimate for December 1994.
- Source: Economic Studies Department, Central Bank of
- the Dominican Republic, unless otherwise indicated.
- 1. General Policy Framework
- During 1994, the Dominican Republic began to show signs of
- macroeconomic instability. While inflation had stayed in the
- single digit range during 1991-1993, by the end of 1994 the
- consumer price index is expected to register a jump of some 12
- percent (over December 1993). Similarly, exchange rate
- stability began to deteriorate; during early October 1994 the
- buy rate for U.S. Dollars in Santo Domingo's informal foreign
- exchange market reached 14.70 pesos per dollar - a 15 percent
- decline from the peso's October 1993 value. Because of the
- Dominican Republic's very high propensity to import, changes in
- the exchange rate inevitably have a significant impact on
- consumer prices.
- The reasons for this deviation from macroeconomic stability
- are clear: national elections were held on May 16, 1994 and
- government spending increased during the period prior to the
- elections. Much of the increased spending was - in essence -
- financed via money creation. By July 1994, cash in the hands
- of the public (m0) had increased by 24 percent over its July
- 1993 level. This increase in the money supply caused a big
- increase in aggregate demand for goods and services, putting
- pressure on both the exchange rate and the consumer price index.
- Significant reductions in the Dominican Central Bank's
- dollar reserves left the government with a greatly reduced
- capacity to intervene in the foreign exchange market: beginning
- the year with dollar reserves of some 736 million dollars by
- late August reserves were down to approximately 150 million
- dollars. The reserves were diminished as a result of Central
- Bank efforts to bolster the peso in the face of
- election-related nervousness. The Central Bank also used a
- significant portion of its reserves to settle the Dominican
- government's long-standing commercial debt problem (see below).
- Starting in early September 1994, the Dominican government
- initiated efforts to recover macroeconomic stability. A
- seasoned finance professional was given the position of Central
- Bank Governor and steps were immediately announced to reign in
- the monetary expansion mentioned above. President Balaguer
- pledged his support for the Central Bank's stabilization
- program. As of late October 1994, it appears that the
- government was having some success in these efforts.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policy
- In effect there are three different sets of exchange rates
- in the Dominican Republic: the official Central Bank rates, the
- rates used by the commercial banking system and the rates used
- by the semi-legal "informal" foreign exchange market. Some
- sectors of the Dominican economy are still required by law to
- buy and sell foreign exchange at the Central Bank, but most
- businesses and individuals are free to carry out foreign
- exchange transactions through the commercial bank system. In
- practice the Central Bank works to prevent the commercial bank
- rates from deviating too widely from the official rates, but
- when dollars are in short supply the informal market exchange
- rate will begin to rise and dominicans seeking to buy or sell
- dollars will make increasing use of this market.
- In its attempts to influence the exchange rate, the Central
- Bank buys or sells dollars and attempts to influence overall
- demand for dollars by manipulating the reserve requirements of
- the commercial banks. To a limited extent the Central Bank also
- eng short-term notes).
- While the peso price of U.S. Dollars has increased, as of
- October 1994 there was no indication that business activity was
- being seriously affected by any shortage of foreign exchange.
- Businesses here do, however, worry that the government might
- respond with exchange rate controls should the value of the
- peso continue to decline.
- 3. Structural Policies
- Starting in 1990, the government began to eliminate many of
- the distorting price control and subsidy programs that had
- contributed to the crisis of the late 1980's. Today, the vast
- majority of prices are determined by market forces.
- Of particular interest to U.S. exporters are reforms in the
- customs and tariffs area. In September, 1990 the Dominican
- government enacted a major tariff reform by presidential
- decree. The decree reduced and simplified the tariff schedule
- to six categories with seven tariff rates ranging from 3 to 35
- percent. It also replaced some quantitative import restrictions
- with tariffs and transformed all tariffs to ad valorem rates.
- While it marked an improvement over the previous tariff
- regime, the 1990 decree still left the Dominican Republic with
- trade barriers significantly higher than many similar countries
- in the region. In August 1993, the Dominican president signed
- into law a bill that was essentially a codification of the 1990
- decree (with some modifications designed to increase rates of
- effective protection for Dominican firms.) This new tariff law
- was bitterly opposed by free trade advocates - it leaves the
- Dominican Republic with a maximum tariff of 35 percent while
- many other countries in the region are moving toward much lower
- maximum tariffs. (There are additional taxes on imports - see
- below.)
- The Dominican government has also implemented changes in
- its tax system aimed at increasing revenues. The concept of
- taxable income has been enlarged, marginal tax rates on
- individuals and companies were reduced and capital gains are no
- longer considered exempted income.
- In May, 1992 a new labor code was promulgated. Provisions
- of this new code increase a variety of employee benefits and
- may result in increased labor costs.
- The banking and finance system is also in need of reform.
- The goal is a healthier, more competitive and transparent
- finance system with closer compliance to clearly understood
- "rules of the game." Unfortunately a new financial monetary
- code that was expected to be enacted in late 1992 has not been
- put into effect. Some bank reforms are being carried out by
- decree, but bank supervision remains very weak and there is
- uneasiness about the health of the banking system.
- Government policy prohibits new foreign investment in a
- number of areas including public utilities, communications and
- media, national defense production, forest exploitation and
- domestic air, surface and water transportation. It is widely
- recognized that there is a pressing need for investment climate
- reform. A draft foreign investment law is currently in the
- hands of the Congress, but progress in this area has been very
- slow.
- 4. Debt Management Policies
- The total external debt of the Dominican government is now
- approximately 3.9 billion dollars. A significant portion of the
- official debt was rescheduled under the terms of a Paris Club
- negotiation concluded in November, 1991. In August 1994 the
- Dominican government successfully concluded debt settlement
- negotiations with its commercial bank creditors. The deal
- involved a combination of buy-back schemes and U.S. Treasury
- backed rescheduling.
- The Dominican Republic's debt burden is fairly typical for
- a lower middle income country. Total external debt as a
- percentage of GNP is approximately 48 percent.
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- Trade Barriers: Tariffs on most products fall within a 5
- to 35 percent range. In addition, the government of the
- Dominican Republic imposes a 5 to 80 percent selective
- consumption tax on "non-essential" imports such as home
- appliances, alcohol, perfumes, jewelry, automobiles and auto
- parts. Due to the way in which this selective consumption tax
- was assessed, U.S. made automobiles were prohibitively
- expensive in the Dominican market. In response to inquiries
- from the U.S. Embassy, the Dominican government corrected this
- situation and the number of U.S. made automobiles increased
- significantly.
- The Dominican Republic continues to require a consular
- invoice and "legalization" of documents, which must be
- performed by a Dominican consulate in the United States.
- Moreover, importers are frequently queried to obtain licenses
- from the Dominican customs service.
- There are food and drug testing and certification
- requirements, but these are not burdensome.
- Customs Procedures: Many businesspersons have complained
- that bringing goods through Dominican customs is a slow and
- arduous process, but there are indications that this situation
- improved during 1994. Customs department interpretation of
- exonerated materials being brought into the country still
- provokes many complaints and businessmen here must spend
- considerable time and money to get items through customs.
- Arbitrary customs clearance procedures sometimes cause
- problems for businessmen. The use of "negotiated fee" practices
- to gain faster customs clearance continues to put some U.S.
- Firms at a competitive disadvantage in the Dominican market.
- U.S. firms must comply with the provisions of the U.S. Foreign
- Corrupt Practices Act.
- Government Procurement Practices: The government of the
- Dominican Republic has a centralized government procurement
- office, but the procurement activities of this office are
- basically limited to expendable supply items for the
- government's general office work. In practice, each public
- sector entity has its own procurement office, both for
- transactions in the domestic market and for imports. Provisions
- of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act often put U.S.
- bidders on government contracts at a serious disadvantage.
- Prohibitions on Land Ownership: For foreigners, ownership
- of more than approximately one-half acre (2,000 square meters)
- needs presidential approval.
- Investment Barriers: As indicated above, legislation
- designed to improve the investment climate is being discussed,
- but as of October 1994, no significant changes in the
- investment climate had been put into effect.
- Foreign investment must receive approval from the foreign
- investment directorate of the Central Bank in order to qualify
- for repatriation of profits. The granting of such approval
- sometimes is time-consuming and the procedures are unclear,
- making approval sometimes difficult. As per Law 861, Article
- 16, of July, 1978 companies registered under the foreign
- investment law are limited in remitting profits or dividends
- abroad to 25 percent of registered capital per year.
- Unregistered investment has no right to transfer profits.
- Capital gains have the right to be remitted only up to two
- percent annually and, cumulatively, to 20 percent of the
- original investment. Invested (and registered) capital may be
- remitted, but only upon the sale or liquidation of the
- enterprise.
- Royalties (payments made for technology transfers,
- licensing contracts and for use of patents and trademarks) may
- only be paid based on a percentage of sales. Further, each
- such contract must be individually approved by the foreign
- investment directorate.
- Reinvestment of profits is highly restricted. The
- enterprise must be in the agribusiness or tourism sectors, must
- export at least 80 percent of its sales, and must remain at
- least 70 percent domestically owned.
- All contracts with foreigners for the use of trademarks, or
- for the use of specialized technical knowledge, must be
- submitted to the foreign investment directorate for
- registration. The directorate is permitted to delay or even to
- disapprove them.
- Financial institutions doing business in the Dominican
- Republic must be at least 50 percent Dominican owned, as per
- Law 861, Article 23 of July, 1978. Exceptions to this law are
- Citibank and the Bank of Nova Scotia, which were grandfathered
- in because they were here prior to passage of this law. A new
- finance and monetary code (and the foreign investment law
- mentioned above) could bring changes to this local ownership
- requirement.
- Foreign companies cannot obtain internal credit for a
- period greater than one year without prior approval from the
- Central Bank, as per Law 861, Article 28 of July, 1978.
- Sectors reserved by other provisions of Law 861 for
- Domestic Investment are: Public utilities, communications and
- media, national defense production, forest exploitation, and
- domestic air, surface and water transport. (Some foreign
- businesses operate in these sectors because they have been
- "grandfathered in.") Foreign investors can participate in
- joint ventures (defined as having 51 to 70 percent Dominican
- capital and management control) in fishing, insurance, farming,
- animal husbandry, and commercial and investment banking.
- The electricity sector continues to be a weak link in the
- Dominican economy. Businesses operating in the DR cannot
- depend on the power utility to be a reliable source of
- electricity. While the government has been exploring the
- privatization of portions of the electric power system, little
- progress has been made.
- Foreign employees may not exceed 20 percent of a firm's
- work force. This is not applicable when foreign employees only
- perform managerial or administrative functions.
- Dominican expropriation standards (e.g., in the "public
- interest") do not appear to be consistent with international
- law standards; several investors have outstanding disputes
- concerning expropriated property.
- The Dominican Republic has not recognized the general right
- of investors to binding international arbitration.
- All mineral resources belong to the state, which controls
- all rights to explore or exploit them. Although private
- investment has been permitted in selected sites, the process of
- choosing and contracting such areas has not been clear or
- transparent.
- Investors operating in the Dominican Republic's free trade
- zones experience far fewer problems than do investors working
- outside the zones. For example, materials coming into or being
- shipped out of the zones are reported to move very quickly,
- without the kinds of bureaucratic difficulties mentioned above
- and the onerous restrictions on profit remittances do not apply
- to free trade zone businesses.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- The Dominican Republic has two sets of legislation for
- export promotion: the free trade zone law (Law no. 8-90,
- passed in 1990) and the export incentive law (Law no. 69,
- passed in 1979). The free trade zone law provides 100 percent
- exemption on all taxes, duties, and charges affecting the
- productive and trade operations at free trade zones. These
- incentives are provided to specific beneficiaries for up to 20
- years, depending on the location of the zone. This legislation
- is managed jointly by the foreign trade zone national council
- and by the Dominican customs service.
- The export incentive law provides for tax and duty free
- treatment of inputs from overseas that are to be processed and
- re-exported as final products. This legislation is managed by
- the Dominican export promotion center and the Dominican customs
- service. In practice, use of the export incentive law to
- import raw materials for process and re-export is cumbersome
- and delays in clearing customs can take anywhere from 20-60
- days. This customs clearance process has made completion of
- production contracts with specific deadlines very difficult.
- As a result, non-free trade zone exporters rarely take
- advantage of the export incentive law. Most prefer to import
- raw materials using the normal customs procedures which,
- although more costly, are more rapid and predictable.
- There is no preferential financing for local exporters nor
- is there a government fund for export promotion.
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- In general, copyright laws are adequate, but enforcement
- is weak, resulting in widespread piracy. Although the
- Dominican Republic is a signatory to the Paris Convention and
- the Universal Copyright Convention, and in 1991 became a member
- of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the lack of a
- strong regulatory environment results in inadequate protection
- of intellectual property rights. In 1992, the Dominican
- Republic was the subject of a petition by the Motion Picture
- Export Association of America (MPEAA) before the United States
- Trade Representative, alleging piracy of satellite television
- signals and unauthorized use of videos in Dominican theaters.
- In response to this complaint, the Dominican government took
- effective action against cable television pirates and most of
- the television piracy was halted.
- Patents (product and process): In a local pharmaceutical
- market of approximately 110 million dollars a year, Dominican
- manufacturers supply about 70 percent of the total. Of that,
- about seven per cent is believed to be counterfeit.
- Trademarks and Copyrights: Many apparel brands are
- counterfeited and sold in the local market. In addition to the
- MPEAA complaint, problems have arisen with illegally copied
- videos, software and books.
- Impact of IPR Policies on U.S. Trade: Non- protection of
- intellectual property rights is so widespread that it is
- virtually impossible to quantify its impact on U.S.-Dominican
- Republic trade. The U.S. Motion Picture Exporters' Association
- had estimated that losses to its members due to theft of
- satellite-carried programming were more than one million
- dollars per year. Losses due to other counterfeiting cost U.S.
- companies millions more.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. The Right of Association
- The constitution provides for the freedom to organize labor
- unions and also for the rights of workers to strike and for the
- private sector to lock out. All workers, except military and
- police, are free to organize, and strikes are legal except in
- sectors which are considered essential services. Organized
- labor in the Dominican Republic represents about 10-15 percent
- of the work force and is divided among three large
- confederations, three minor confederations, and a number of
- independent unions. Labor unions can and do freely affiliate
- regionally and internationally.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- Collective bargaining is permitted and can take place in
- firms in which a union has gained the support of an absolute
- majority of the workers of a firm. According to law workers
- cannot be dismissed because of union activities or membership.
- There has been a history of labor conflict in the free trade
- zones, with companies firing workers for engaging in union
- organizing activities. The 1992 Labor Code protects from
- layoffs up to 20 members of a union in formation and between 5
- to 10 members of a union executive council, depending on the
- size of the work force. The 1990 firings of unionized workers
- by the Dominican Electric Corporation led to management/labor
- disputes which have yet to be fully resolved. The free trade
- zones have also been the scene of some management/labor
- disputes (see Section 8.F.).
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Forced or compulsory labor is prohibited by law. The
- Dominican government has been criticized for its treatment of
- Haitian workers employed by the State Sugar Council (CEA).
- Alleged abuses have included forced recruitment, compulsory
- labor, and restrictions on freedom of movement. Instances of
- forced labor and restrictions on movement occurred in only
- isolated instances on CEA plantations in 1993. Forced labor
- has not been a problem in other areas.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- The labor code prohibits employment of youths under 14
- years of age and places various restrictions on the employment
- of youths under the age of 16. In practice, there are large
- numbers of minors working illegally, primarily in the informal
- sector. The high level of unemployment and the lack of a
- social safety net create pressures on families to allow
- children to generate supplemental income. Instances of child
- labor in CEA sugar plantations have diminished greatly and most
- observers note that such practice is no longer a serious
- problem.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- The Labor Code establishes a standard work period of eight
- hours per day and 44 hours per week, with an uninterrupted rest
- period of 36 hours each week. In practice, a typical workweek
- is Monday through Friday plus half day on Saturday, but longer
- hours are not unusual, especially for agricultural and informal
- sector workers. Workers are entitled to a 35 percent wage
- differential when working between 44 and 68 hours per week and
- a 100 percent differential for any hours above 68 per week.
- The vast majority of workers receive only the minimum wage
- (which varies by law in accordance with the type of activity
- and the size of the company). Safety and health conditions at
- places of work do not always meet legal standards. The
- existing social security system does not apply to all workers
- and is under funded.
- f. Rights in Sectors with U.S. Investments
- U.S.-based multinationals active in the free trade zones
- represent one of the principal sources of U.S. investment in
- the Dominican Republic. The free trade zone sector's
- compliance with the right to organize and bargain collectively
- has been a matter of controversy, but during 1994 some progress
- was made. Some companies in the free trade zones adhere to
- significantly higher worker safety and health standards than do
- non-free trade zone companies. In other categories of worker
- rights, conditions in sectors with U.S. investment do not
- differ significantly from conditions in sectors lacking U.S.
- investment.
- Extent of U.S. Investment in Selected Industries.--U.S. Direct
- Investment Position Abroad on an Historical Cost Basis--1993
- (Millions of U.S. dollars)
- Category Amount
- Petroleum (1)
- Total Manufacturing 237
- Food & Kindred Products 4
- Chemicals and Allied Products (1)
- Metals, Primary & Fabricated (1)
- Machinery, except Electrical 0
- Electric & Electronic Equipment 5
- Transportation Equipment 0
- Other Manufacturing 210
- Wholesale Trade 5
- Banking (1)
- Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 3
- Services (1)
- Other Industries (1)
- (1) Suppressed to avoid disclosing data of individual companies
- Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
- Analysis
- (###)